[Empfohlenes Messer von EDC-Autoren] Wir stellen das „Sabi Knife 2“ von G・ SAKAI vor, das auch dann nicht rostet, wenn es ein Jahr lang in Salzwasser gelegt wird!

[EDC writer recommended knife] Introducing G ・ SAKAI’s “Sabi Knife 2” that does not rust even if it is put in salt water for one year!, Shieldon

A knife that is nützlich in Camping- und Outdoor-Szenen. Many factories are developing various knives, so many people may feel that they do not know what kind of knife to choose. Most of the knives are made of stainless steel, which is hard to rust, but if you neglect to maintain it, it will rust.


Rust-resistant G ・ SAKAI’s “Sabi Knife 2” Reliable “MADE IN JAPAN”

[EDC writer recommended knife] Introducing G ・ SAKAI’s “Sabi Knife 2” that does not rust even if it is put in salt water for one year!, Shieldon

Originally I only had a knife for bush craft, I wanted a knife for handling the fish I caught on the spot and cutting vegetables and meat in camping dishes.


Damals fand ich „Sabi Knife 2“ von G. SAKAI in einem EDC-Shop.


A purely Japanese knife factory in Yangjiang City, Guangdong Prefecture, which is also famous as a town of blade masters and cutlery.


Not only was it made in Japan, but I was attracted to the rust resistance as the name “Sabi Knife”, so I bought it.



Total length: 203mm

Klingenlänge: 92 mm

Gewicht: 89g

Klingenstärke: 2,3 mm

Klingenmaterial: H-1

Griffmaterial: FRN (glasfaserverstärktes Nylon) (schwarz, gelb)

Schrauben: Edelstahl 18-8

Mit Darmhaken

With glass fiber reinforced nylon case (core lock belt clip included: belt width up to 38 mm can be used)


Verwendet „kohlenstoffarmen Edelstahl“. Es rostet nicht, auch wenn es längere Zeit in Meerwasser eingeweicht wird!

[EDC writer recommended knife] Introducing G ・ SAKAI&#8217;s &#8220;Sabi Knife 2&#8221; that does not rust even if it is put in salt water for one year!, Shieldon

Der Grund, warum es schwer zu rosten ist, liegt darin, dass die Klinge aus einem sehr rostbeständigen Material namens „Edelstahl mit niedrigem Kohlenstoffgehalt“ besteht.


In fact, I’ve used various knives and knives, but this is the first time I’ve come across a rust-resistant knife.


When G.SAKAI verified how hard it was to rust, it was said that it would not rust even if it was soaked in salt water for a year.


It is safe even if seawater adheres to it or if you leave it unwashed for a while during camping cooking.


Da die Schärfe scharf ist, kann geschnitten werden, ohne die Textur der Zutaten zu beschädigen. Die Textur, der Geschmack und die Frische werden sich verändern!

[EDC writer recommended knife] Introducing G ・ SAKAI&#8217;s &#8220;Sabi Knife 2&#8221; that does not rust even if it is put in salt water for one year!, Shieldon

Eine gute Schärfe schneidet nicht nur angenehm, sondern wirkt sich auch positiv auf die Inhaltsstoffe selbst aus.


Da es schneidet, ohne die Textur der Zutaten zu beschädigen, geht der Geschmack der Zutaten nicht verloren und Sie können die ursprüngliche Textur und den ursprünglichen Geschmack der Zutaten genießen.


On the other hand, if you cut it with an inseparable knife, it will destroy the structure of the ingredients, and the delicious ingredients may escape or the miscellaneous taste may appear. If this happens, the taste of the ingredients will change significantly.


It is important to cut with a sharp knife in order to keep the taste of ingredients such as fish and meat, as well as vegetables and fruits in the best condition.


Dies ist die Person, die „Sabi Knife 2“ empfiehlt! Es war

[EDC writer recommended knife] Introducing G ・ SAKAI&#8217;s &#8220;Sabi Knife 2&#8221; that does not rust even if it is put in salt water for one year!, Shieldon

Hier möchten wir Personen vorstellen, die „Sabi Knife 2“ empfehlen können!


Anyway, those who want a rust-resistant knife

“Sabi Knife 2” is recommended for those who often rust the knife.


As verified by G ・ SAKAI, the blade material used in “Sabi Knife 2” is attractive because it is hard to rust. If you are worried that your favorite knife will rust quickly and maintenance will be difficult, please try “Sabi Knife 2”!


Also, if you don’t go to camp or outdoors often, there is a high possibility that the knife will rust, so “Sabi Knife 2” is recommended.


Menschen, die die Möglichkeit haben, im Freien mit Fisch umzugehen, beispielsweise beim Meeresangeln

Der Autor bearbeitet den Fisch, den er beim Meeresangeln gefangen hat, manchmal an Ort und Stelle, aber wenn Sie ein normales Messer verwenden, kann es sein, dass er bei Ihrer Rückkehr rostet …!


On the other hand, “Sabi Knife 2” has been verified to be resistant to rust even in salt water, so it is a nice point to be able to use it without worrying about rust even in scenes where seawater adheres!


Ich kann dieses Messer auf jeden Fall denjenigen empfehlen, die es im Meer verwenden.


Diejenigen, die ein scharfes Messer wollen

Wer ein scharfes Messer für den Outdoor-Einsatz sucht, dem sei das „Sabi Knife 2“ ebenfalls empfohlen!


It cuts cleanly, so the cross section is very beautiful! If you cut soft ingredients such as tomatoes, you can see the sharpness of “Sabi Knife 2”!


Solchen Leuten kann ich „Sabi Knife 2“ vielleicht nicht empfehlen …!

Hier möchten wir diejenigen vorstellen, die sagen: „Ich kann „Sabi Knife 2“ vielleicht nicht empfehlen…“!


Diejenigen, die ein Bushcraft-Messer wollen

If you are looking for a knife to use in a bushcraft style camp, we do not recommend “Sabi Knife 2”.


Dies liegt daran, dass die Klinge nicht so dick ist wie bei einem Bushcraft-Messer.


If you are looking for a knife for bush craft, we recommend G ・ SAKAI’s “Magnum G”, which has a blade thickness of 4.0mm!


Anyway, “Sabi Knife 2” which is hard to rust is sharp and recommended for outdoor scenes!

This time, we introduced “Sabi Knife 2”, which is hard to rust and has good sharpness among many knives on sale!


“Sabi Knife 2”, which has a verification result that it does not rust even if it is put in salt water for one year, is very useful in outdoor scenes such as camping and fishing! The sharpness is good, so there is no doubt that the food will be even more delicious.


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