Ultimativer Leitfaden zu verschiedenen Messergriffmaterialien und ihren Vorteilen
There are many different materials that can be used to make custom knife handles. Some materials are better than others, depending on the intended use of the knife. Knife handles are one of the most important parts of the knife, as they provide a comfortable and secure grip that is necessary for many different tasks. […]
Die besten Öle für Camping- und Jagdmesser
You would be surprised to know that camping and hunting knives require oils to keep them in shape at all times. These knives are not your everyday regular knives found in the kitchen. They are built for extreme environments and uses, which requires the use of high-quality raw materials like carbon steel, among many others, […]
Warum Sie Ihr Campingmesser immer bei sich tragen sollten – Shieldon
When you are out in the wilderness, having a camping knife is one of the most crucial items you can have. The amount of things you can accomplish with it is almost endless, and not having one may place you in a precarious and perhaps life-threatening position. The vast variety of camping knives available is […]
Falten vs. Behoben: Ein Vergleich von Jagdmessern
Hunting and camping knives are among the most popular tools out there for those that love the wild and the adventure of coming outside. They come in different styles, sizes, and shapes, but they can all fall into two main categories; Fixed and Folding knives. We will be looking at the differences between these two, […]
Teile eines Jagdmessers: Wie sie hergestellt werden
Jagdmesser unterscheiden sich von herkömmlichen Küchenmessern in vielerlei Hinsicht, unter anderem im Design und im Verwendungszweck. Jagdmesser sind kleiner, aber leistungsstärker und verfügen unter anderem über hochwertige Klingenmaterialien wie Kohlenstoffstahl und Edelstahl. Um besser zu verstehen, wie sie funktionieren, werden wir die […] untersuchen.
Klappmesser 101: Alles, was Sie wissen müssen
The folding knife, also known as the pocket knife, is one of the most ingenious inventions that have ever been created as far as knives go. Pocket knives have been around for ages, and they date back to the iron age, at the point where man discovered the uses of iron. The moment their pocket […]
8 Tipps zur Pflege eines Jagdmessers
Ein Jagdmesser ist ein wichtiges Werkzeug für Jäger. Es wird für Häutungs- und Schlachtspiele verwendet. So robust sie auch erscheinen mögen, Jagdmesser müssen regelmäßig gepflegt werden, damit sie weiterhin das tun, was sie sollen. Gehen Sie mit Ihrem treuen Begleiter auf die Jagd oder in den Campingurlaub.
Auswahl des richtigen Jagdmessers: Zu berücksichtigende Faktoren
Hunting is an exciting activity, one that’s practiced by many people who live in areas that have wild animal populations. Although there are rules in place that regulate hunting, there are some animals whose populations are so high that the government doesn’t mind when people go out and hunt them for sport, deer for instance. […]