La meilleure netteté ! Quelle est l'évaluation du couteau Damas ? Présentation de l'affûtage et de l'entretien !

In recent years, Damascus knives have a reputation for their high quality, such as being durable, sharp, and excellent in design. We will thoroughly explain all of Damascus knives, including their amazing sharpness and other features, precautions for maintenance and recommended products, as well as how to custom them and the origin of their names.


Qu'est-ce qu'un couteau Damas ?

Aperçu des couteaux Damas

The Damascus knife is a blade that has been attracting attention in recent years and has gained a reputation for its extremely sharp sharpness, design, and ease of maintenance. You may have seen Damascus knives derived from Damascus knives.

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

Le couteau de Damas est censé ressembler à une lame fabriquée dans la ville de Damas en Syrie, et son nom vient du nom de la ville. La lame a un motif unique et la plupart des couteaux Damas sont livrés avec un fourreau en cuir, qui attire également l'attention en tant qu'article EDC à la mode.


Histoire des couteaux Damas

Aujourd’hui, la lame décrite comme le couteau de Damas est une lame qui imite l’épée autrefois fabriquée à Damas. On dit que l'épée était très tranchante, mais on ne sait même pas si elle a réellement existé, et elle est également considérée comme une épée légendaire. Par conséquent, même si vous parlez de couteaux de Damas en une bouchée, ils ne sont pas toujours fabriqués à Damas, en Syrie, et il existe de nombreux couteaux de Damas fabriqués dans le pays.

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

On dit que l’épée légendaire était capable de couper l’acier. Quelle chose cool.


L'épée légendaire a été fabriquée à partir d'un minéral appelé acier de Damas, et on dit qu'elle était si tranchante qu'il y a eu une anecdote selon laquelle elle a même traversé une armure en acier. On dit que des forgerons du monde entier se sont rendus à Damas en Syrie pour apprendre à personnaliser les épées de Damas.

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

Une lame fabriquée dans la ville de Damas en Syrie est un modèle du couteau Damas.


Cependant, la méthode de fabrication n’a pas été transmise à la postérité et on dit que la technique a été abandonnée il y a environ 200 ans. Ensuite, le couteau Damas a été personnalisé en reproduisant la lame légendaire. Concernant la façon de la fabriquer, on ne sait pas si l'ancienne épée de Damas peut être entièrement reproduite, mais la caractéristique n'est pas différente de l'anecdote, elle a un motif sur le grain du bois, elle est résistante à la rouille et souple, et le tranchant est reproduit surtout.


Utilisations des couteaux Damas

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

Il est pratique d'en prendre un pour l'alpinisme ou le camping.


Fondamentalement, les couteaux Damas sont utilisés comme Couteaux EDC pour le camping et l'alpinisme. Les dérivés incluent des produits de cuisine tels que des couteaux de cuisine et des couteaux à fruits, mais le tranchant des couteaux damas est particulièrement utile pour couper des objets durs tels que du bois et des cordes.


On dit qu’il est difficile de se blesser en raison de sa netteté.


Most of the EDC injuries are injuries caused by falls and injuries caused by EDC knives. And many of the injuries caused by EDC knives are caused by the use of blunt knives due to poor care and poor quality. With a sharp Damascus knife, you can reduce the risk of injury because you don’t need extra force and you don’t have to use it too hard. For safety, it is very important to use a sharp EDC knife such as a Damascus knife.


Prix du couteau Damas

Les couteaux Damas sont souvent plus chers que les couteaux EDC classiques. La plupart des articles coûtent plus de $100, les articles les moins chers coûtent environ $50 et les articles chers coûtent des dizaines de dollars.

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

It’s not cheap at all, but many people buy it because of its high quality.


Dans le passé, c'était un couteau rare que l'on peut à peine voir même dans les magasins spécialisés EDC, mais il est désormais hautement reconnu en raison de sa très haute qualité, divers produits sont Couteau EDC en gros, et c'est facile à faire sur les sites d'achats en ligne. Vous pouvez l'acheter. Vous ressentirez peut-être une certaine réticence à dépenser plus de $100 pour un couteau EDC, mais compte tenu de la haute qualité, le rapport coût-performance n'est pas faible.


Caractéristiques du couteau Damas Partie 1 Netteté

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

Comme il s'agit d'une reproduction de l'épée légendaire, il n'y a rien à redire à sa netteté.


The characteristic of Damascus knives is their sharpness. I don’t know if it can really cut steel, but it always has a reputation for being able to cut things without effort, like a freshly sharpened kitchen knife. Of course, the sharpness varies depending on the product, but with a Damascus knife, you can expect a certain sharpness without any problem.


Caractéristiques du couteau Damas Partie 2 Modèle

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

The image is the blade of a Damascus knife, but it has a wood grain pattern. This is the biggest feature of the appearance, and it seems that many people like this pattern and buy it. Not only the sharpness but also the design created by this unique pattern is a factor that has gained a good reputation.


Caractéristiques du couteau Damas Partie 3 Souplesse

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

Le noyau en acier Damas est traité pour être souple comme un saule.


The Damascus knife is like a tree not only in its pattern but also in its nature. It is said that it looks like a willow tree while maintaining sufficient hardness because it uses a core custom of multiple layers of Damascus steel. You can see that the pattern is sharp, and the nature of the knife and the Damascus knife are all characteristic.


Entretien des couteaux Damas

Comment et fréquence des soins

Damascus knives are extremely durable and easy to care for without causing blade spills. The rustiness varies depending on the product, but there is no problem if you wash it after use and wipe off the moisture. Sharpening is necessary, but it doesn’t have to be done very often, so sharpen it according to your own comfort.


Comment aiguiser

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

The method of sharpening a Damascus knife is not particularly different from the method of sharpening a normal blade. Wet the sharpening stone and sharpen the entire blade in a well-balanced manner from the tip. It’s not particularly difficult, and there’s no trick to this, but to put it bluntly, try to keep the sharpening angle constant with respect to the sharpening stone. Also, be careful not to sharpen too deeply. As a guide, try to sharpen the wood grain pattern to the extent that it does not disappear.


Comment customiser un couteau Damas


The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

C'est une sorte d'acier d'acier Wootz.


The blade of the Damascus knife is made of steel called Damascus steel. This Damascus steel is steel obtained by applying special processing to Indian Wootz steel and has high strength. Also, during the manufacturing process, carbon steel particles form a unique wood grain and appear on the surface, which creates an appearance peculiar to Damascus knives.


Comment personnaliser

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

Nous fabriquons des lames en acier Damas en utilisant une technologie de pointe.


Les couteaux Damas sont assez élaborés. Normalement, un seul minéral est chauffé pour le façonner, mais les couteaux Damas nécessitent le processus de superposition d'acier Wootz et d'autres minéraux afin de personnaliser l'acier Damas en tant que matériau. Il semble que des méthodes plus élaborées soient nécessaires pour personnaliser des lames de haute qualité que les lames ordinaires.


Recommended products of Damascus knife Part 1


It is a large Damascus knife with a total length of about 30 cm and a blade of 17.5 cm. It is handmade and carefully customed and is easy to use with origami. The biggest attraction is its design, which has a medieval atmosphere that seems to appear in movies and anime.


The so-called Bowie knife is a knife with a relatively large scabbard. The scabbard is made of leather, and we are very particular about the quality. Therefore, the price is $150 after the war, which is expensive as a knife, but it is a popular product that is very popular because of its good quality and excellent design.


Recommended product of Damascus knife Part 2


The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

The Damascus knife called Damascus Pro is a product that is frequently out of stock due to its reputation. It is a Damascus knife handmade by a craftsman, and it is not only sharp, but also has a grip made of ebony wood, a knuckle guard integrated with a blade, and other parts other than the blade. It’s preeminent.


It is a high-quality product that looks cool.


In addition, the knuckle guard that protects your hands is integrated with the blade, so it is extremely durable and you will not have to worry about the blade spilling or breaking even if you cut a hard object. Furthermore, it is the first time that cowhide is used for the scabbard.

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

The grip is also particular about making it easy to grip.


With a total length of 27 cm and a blade of 13 cm, the price is close to $200. Although it is not cheap, it is the best product of Damascus knife, and the satisfaction of those who wholesale it is high, and it can be said that it is an excellent product in terms of cost performance.


Recommended products of Damascus knife Part 3

Duke Damascus

Duke Damascus is a knife brand product called BOKER, which is a foldable Damascus knife. Only the center of the grip has changed color, and the overall pattern is wood grain like Damascus steel. With a size of about 20 cm, it is easy to handle and suitable for carrying.


BOKER | Folding knife Duke Damascus 946DAM

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

It is a foldable Damascus knife.


In addition, there is a small hole in the grop end, so it can be used through fire. The price is over $100, but it is a rare small Damascus knife, and if you fold it and put it in your pocket, it will not get in the way at all, so it is convenient when you move your body outdoors.


Recommended products of Damascus knife Part 4

Tosa Forge Damascus Mountain Hatchet

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

Tosa Forge Damascus Mountain Hatchet is a Damascus knife manufactured at the Toyokuni Forge Factory and features a Japanese-style design. The grips and scabbards are made of oak wood, creating an old-fashioned atmosphere. The total length is 32 cm, the blade is as large as 18 cm, and the weight is close to 400 grams.

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

The characters are engraved like a Japanese sword.


In addition, the characters are engraved on the blade, which is very cool in combination with the Japanese design. Each piece is handmade, and although there seems to be some variation in size, the stable and high quality is highly evaluated. The price is around $150, and it is a popular product with its unique design and high practicality.


Precautions when using Damascus knives

The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

I want to be careful not to cut unintended things.

Damascus knives are very convenient, but since they are blades, you should be careful about how to handle them. Since the sharpness is very sharp, even a light touch on the blade will cause a cut, so it is natural that you should put it in the scabbard and do not expose the blade when not in use.



The best sharpness! What is the evaluation of Damascus knife? Introducing how to sharpen and care!, Shieldon

Finally, I will briefly review the contents of this time. First of all, the characteristics of the Damascus knife are that it is very sharp and the blade has a wood grain pattern, which makes it look like a willow tree. No special care is required, just sharpen as needed while keeping it as clean as a regular knife or knife. Also, although the price is not cheap, there are many fashionable items with excellent quality.


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