[Мультиинструмент, рекомендованный авторами EDC] Объяснение Victorinox «Climber»

[Multi-tool recommended by EDC writers] Explaining Victorinox “Climber”, Shieldon

Мультиинструменты with various functions such as knives, scissors, and can-cutting are essential items for campers. This time, I will introduce in detail the multi-tools and climbers of “Victor Knock” that I actually use by scene! If you are considering purchasing a multi-tool knife from now on, please refer to it!


The bright red and compact form is cool! I wanted a multi-tool for “Victorinox”

[Multi-tool recommended by EDC writers] Explaining Victorinox “Climber”, Shieldon

“Victorinox” is famous as a brand that develops multi-tools. When I saw other campers using Victorinox’s multi-tool, I thought, “That red multi-tool is cool …” was the reason I bought it.

После долгих исследований выяснилось, что существует множество типов мультитулов, разработанных Victorinox. Итак, поразмыслив над тем, какую функцию я буду использовать, я решил выбрать предмет под названием альпинист.

From here, I will tell you in detail why I chose the climber from among many multi-tools.


Introducing the reason for choosing “Climber”! 14 patterns can be used The point is that it can be used in various scenes

[Multi-tool recommended by EDC writers] Explaining Victorinox “Climber”, Shieldon

The most important thing in choosing a multi-tool is whether it is easy for women to use. Some multi-tools did not come out without a little effort when putting out the blade. Meanwhile, the point was that Victorinox products did not require power when putting out tools, and even I, a woman, could easily use them.

Furthermore, among them, “Climber” was the most suitable for the purpose I wanted to use.

Ознакомьтесь с 14 особенностями Victorinox «Climber»!

Давайте рассмотрим 14 функций мультитула Victorinox «Альпинист»!

  • Большое лезвие
  • Маленькое лезвие
  • открывашка
  • Minus driver 3mm
  • открывашка
  • Minus driver 6mm
  • Инструмент для зачистки проводов
  • Развертка (сверление), шило
  • Cork stopper
  • Ножницы
  • Мульти крючок
  • Tsumayouji
  • пинцет
  • Брелок для ключей

From here, I will introduce what kind of scenes these tools are actually used in.


[Scene 1: Cut ingredients] A sharp knife is convenient when cutting ingredients at camp! Equipped with two types of knives

[Multi-tool recommended by EDC writers] Explaining Victorinox “Climber”, Shieldon

В комплект «Альпиниста» входят два типа ножей: «Большое лезвие» и «Маленькое лезвие».

Это очень простой в использовании пункт. Вы можете использовать большое лезвие для нарезки овощей и маленькое лезвие для нарезки мяса и рыбы.

When you cut raw and other things, you need to use different knives or wash them every time. Washing many times can be a hassle in the camp scene, and having two knives can get in the way.

In that respect, the multi-tool with 14 functions in one is very convenient.


[Scene 2: Open the wine] You can enjoy wine using cork in the evening drink of the camp! Easy if you use cork remover!

[Multi-tool recommended by EDC writers] Explaining Victorinox “Climber”, Shieldon

I like big wine. Beer and wine are essential items in the camp, but I had to bring an opener when I wanted to drink cork stopper wine.

However, by purchasing “Climber”, I don’t have to carry an opener with me, so it’s refreshing! Just take the climber out of your pocket and pop out the cork.


[Scene 3: Cut the rope] Scissors that can be used unexpectedly Convenient for cutting thin ropes and paper!

[Multi-tool recommended by EDC writers] Explaining Victorinox “Climber”, Shieldon

Scissors are one of the tools of “Climber”. This scissors is surprisingly convenient. You can quickly take it out and use it when you cut a thin rope at the time of camping or when you cut the paper at home.

Когда приходит почта, я иногда открываю ее ножницами «Альпиниста» (смеется).

Each person has a different scene to use scissors, but the point is that you can use it according to that scene.

Кстати, когда резать овощи ножом хлопотно, я иногда нарезаю овощи ножницами…!


[Scene 4: Opening a can] Can-cutting, a convenient tool for cooking canned food at camp, can be easily opened without exerting any force!

[Multi-tool recommended by EDC writers] Explaining Victorinox “Climber”, Shieldon

I often cook camping dishes using mackerel cans and tuna cans, and in that case, “climber” canning is very convenient! Even if you don’t bother to bring it, you can just use one “climber”!

Moreover, the sharpness is outstanding, so you can insert the blade smoothly without exerting any force! The point is that even people with weak power can easily open the can.


If the sharpness of the knife is reduced, use “Sharpener” to restore it immediately!

[Multi-tool recommended by EDC writers] Explaining Victorinox “Climber”, Shieldon

I’ve been using “Climber” for several years, but the sharpness is still lower than when I first wholesaled it. In such a case, sharpening with a special sharpener will restore the sharpness!

Его очень легко использовать.


[Как использовать]

Отрегулируйте под углом 45° к лезвию.

Сдвиньте точилку как есть

Сделайте то же самое с другой стороны


Это очень легко, поэтому если вы заточите его, когда почувствуете «Он чуть менее острый…?», резкость восстановится!


If you are unsure about choosing a multi-tool, we recommend Victorinox’s “Climber”!

There are many brands that offer multi-tools, but Victorinox, which has excellent quality but is reasonably priced, is highly recommended.

Помимо представленного на этот раз «альпиниста», от Victorinox разрабатываются различные виды мультитулов. Убедитесь, что вы точно знаете, для чего собираетесь использовать многофункциональный инструмент, и найдите тот, который подходит вам лучше всего!


Нажмите, чтобы получить больше Shieldon multi-tools .



Сделайте свой нож на заказ с опытным мастером ножей.


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